Wednesday 8 August 2012

I've been reviewing the GIT; it's anatomy, physiology & the many disease that are associated with it. I've also been reading about colostrum and it's effect on the GIT and its associated diseases. I've found many research papers, too much to read, so these are a few I'd post here

Excerpts from the article 
Role of Colostrum in Gastrointestinal Infections

by Pawan Rawal, Vineet Gupta and B.R. Thapa
Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Department of Gastroenterology, Post Graduate Institute Medical
Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India

Colostrum is breast milk produced after the birth of the newborn and lasts for 2-4 days. Colostrum is very important part of breast milk and lays down the immune system and confers growth factors and other protective factors for the young ones in mammals. This is the source of passive immunity transferred to the baby from the mother. The biological value of bovine colostrum in present day medical practice is documented in clinical trials and large databases containing case reports and anecdotal findings. The main actions include an antibacterial effect and modulation of immune response with the ability to neutralize lipopolysaccharides arising from gram negative bacterial pathogens. It has been found to be effective in infantile hemorrhagic diarrheas, other diarrheas and reduces the likelihood of disease progressing to hemolytic uremic syndrome. It has also been tested in H pylori infection and diarrhea in immunodeficiency. Side effects of clinical relevance are limited to possible intolerance due to lactose and sensitivity to milk proteins.

Bovine colostrum: A veterinary nutraceutical 
by N. N. Pandey, A. A. Dar*, D. B. Mondal and L. Nagaraja  
Veterinary Medicine Division, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122, U.P, India. 
Accepted 23 November, 2010 
Colostrum is the lacteal secretion produced after parturition and plays an important role in post-natal health as an immune booster. In addition to nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and  minerals,  bovine  colostrum  contains  several  biologically  active  molecules  that  are  essential  for specific functions. Bioactive components like growth factors promote the growth and development of the  newborn  while  antimicrobial  factors  provide  passive  immunity  and  protection  against  infections during the first weeks of life. It has been proven as an effective nutraceutical for the enhancement of immune function in a diverse range of animal species. No side effects or drug interactions have been reported  with  high  quality  colostrum  supplementation,  making  it  an  exceptionally  safe  and  useful nutraceutical product. 

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