Monday 6 August 2012

Probiotics & Colostrum

Many people take probiotics without realizing that it is essential to also take colostrum along with it. Probiotics and colostrum truly go hand it hand. This article will explain why it is so essential to take the two together.  If you are looking to relieve issues like colitis or chronic diarrhea, don’t skimp on taking the two together. The key to taking these is in knowing which ones to take for the individual & their unique needs. Taking the wrong ones can at best do nothing & at worst- make you sick. Just one example is if the person taking either one of these is lactose intolerant. Also there is often times the need to take different ones at different stages of the treatment. It can get complicated.

So what is colostrum? This is a substance that comes directly from a mother’s breast when she is nursing her child. This milk is also a rich source of probiotics. The combination of the colostrum and probiotics together build a strong immune system in the baby.

The fact is that probiotics are useless without colostrum. They will just go “in one door and out the other.” Why spend your money on probiotics if they will just be immediately leaving your system?  The reason why colostrum is so essential is that it allows the probiotics to stick to the inner surface of the GI tissue. This process enables the probiotics to remain permanently in your gut, instead of quickly just leaving your body.

Of course, if you take antibiotics at any point during your life, this will kill off the friendly bacteria regardless of whether you have taken it with colostrum or not.  In this case, you will need to repeat the cycle over again from the start and begin a new course of probiotics with colostrum. Different antibiotics require different probiotics to replace the specific strains that were killed off.

When you were first breastfed, this developed the mucosal lining in your body. This lining is so powerful that it can last a person’s whole life if he or she doesn’t take antibiotics. Of course, if you were never breastfed, you will need to take colostrum and probiotics to get this necessary ingredient into your system. When people are fed soy formulas, they are put at a major disadvantage as far as their health is concerned.

The fact is that colostrum helps to repair a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues. Usually, people take probiotics for issues like chronic diarrhea treatment or colitis cures and then are disappointed that this supplementation doesn’t work. When that is the case, the sufferer needs to remember how essential it is to take the correct colostrum-with the correct probiotic.

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